Naturalism Is Prejudice

Prejudice: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


The Militant Atheists are the force behind Communism. Darwinism was the force behind Nazism or Fascism. These people will kill you if you refuse to believe as they believe. This is the ugly and the evil side of prejudice.

There are certain aspects of prejudice that I want to remember and retain. Prejudice isn’t always bad for us. There are times when prejudice can be good for us – it can actually save our lives.

“Prejudice. A vagrant opinion without visible means of support.” — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911.

Can you sense the hidden message within this quote?

Our prejudices are NOT based upon physical matter! Our prejudices are a function of Syntropy – they are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Our genes and our cells aren’t prejudiced against anyone nor are they biased toward anyone. Prejudice is NOT a function of our genetics; and, our society or those other psyches can’t force us to be prejudiced either. Our prejudice is chosen into existence by our Psyche. Our prejudices reflect the personal preferences of our Psyche, Spirit, Mind, or Soul.

Fascinating, is it not?

Likewise, when it comes to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, and Atheism, there’s NO visible means of support for their major premises or hidden assumptions which state that Syntropy or Psyche or Quantum Mechanisms do not exist. In other words, these materialistic and naturalistic philosophies are also a product of the Human Psyche – they have NO basis in physical reality.

This is where the tires really hit the pavement. It doesn’t get any more real or essential than this!

There’s NO physical reality and NO physical evidence backing up the naturalistic claims which state that Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, Psyche, Non-Local Consciousness, Syntropy, Free Will, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Love DO NOT EXIST. These are philosophical beliefs or metaphysical beliefs that were chosen into existence by Someone Psyche.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism are philosophical assumptions, and they only exist within the Human Psyche or the Human Mind. There’s no physical evidence supporting them! In fact, ALL of the observational and experiential evidence falsifies them. If we choose to define Science as observation and experience rather than Materialism and Naturalism, then Science itself falsifies Materialism and Naturalism.

Fascinating, is it not?

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices! They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support. They are internally inconsistent or logically inconsistent. In other words, they are self-defeating.

This is one of the coolest and most useful scientific observations that I made while studying Social Psychology.

Prejudice is an attitude. An attitude is a distinct combination of feelings, inclinations to act, and beliefs. It can be easily remembered as the ABCs of attitudes: affect (feelings), behavior tendency (inclination to act), and cognition (beliefs). A prejudiced person may dislike those different from self and behave in a discriminatory manner, believing them ignorant and dangerous. Like many attitudes, prejudice is complex.

A stereotype is a belief about the personal attributes of a group of people. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information.

Prejudice is a negative attitude; discrimination is negative behavior. Discriminatory behavior often has its source in prejudicial attitudes. (Social Psychology, p. 309.)

I don’t buy into the idea that prejudice and discrimination are always negative. They can save your life. The idea that prejudice and discrimination are always negative is a leftist idea that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Atheists, and Gay Activists have produced. They demand that everyone tolerate their actions and beliefs; but, they have no tolerance for anyone else’s ideas and beliefs. They define prejudice narrowly as prejudice against Gays and Atheists; and, they define discrimination narrowly in the same manner.

However, my prejudice and discrimination against terrorists, drug dealers, psychiatric drugs, alcoholism, indiscriminate sex, Fascists, and Militant Atheists could actually save my life.

I have already decided that homosexuality is not for me; and, I’m extremely grateful that I’m not so inclined. My homosexual friends have suffered greatly throughout their lives; and, all of that lost potential starts to wear on them as the years go by. Some of them have no children that they can call their own. Others have children, but they all have abandoned the spouse who gave them their children. It’s tragic! It’s heart-rending. All those broken promises and ruined lives!

Free will is to be celebrated, for sure; but, same-sex attraction has nothing else to recommend it in my humble opinion. All that lost potential is sad and should be pitied. I feel sorry for them. There’s no need to persecute them because their curse carries within it its own natural and automatic punishment. Same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior is punishment enough. It carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.

Prejudice is an attitude; and, attitudes are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Feelings, chosen behaviors, and beliefs are chosen into existence by the Psyche, Mind, Spirit, or Soul. It has nothing to do with our genes or our evolutionary history. It has little to do with our reinforcement history – the Human Psyche can trump or override its nature and nurture at will.

Our beliefs are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. The decision to act or not to act is chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Chosen behaviors are chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Our genes don’t make our choices for us. They can’t! However, other psyches or society can make choices for us. Either way, though, choice is solely a function and a product of the Human Psyche as well as all those other psyches. Only Psyche can do choice.

We continue to have feelings and perceptions long after our physical brain is dead and gone according to the scientific evidence that has been obtained from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), and our after-death Life Reviews. Feelings are a product of the Human Psyche.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices! They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support. They were chosen into existence by the Human Psyche. Prejudice is typically defined as a negative attitude, a false belief, or an unproductive attitude. Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives certainly qualify, don’t they! Attitudes are produced by the Human Psyche, not our genes. Our genes don’t have attitudes. Evolution doesn’t have an attitude.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism were purposefully and deliberately designed to resist and reject new information – any information or evidence that falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as the Theory of Evolution. These things are based exclusively upon a refusal to look at evidence because ALL of the evidence that we have falsifies them! They are resistant to new information or the new scientific discoveries that falsify them. These people have convinced themselves that Psyche or Syntropy does not exist. Self-deception works, and it works every time.

Furthermore, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists have chosen to discriminate against those who don’t believe in their philosophy, dogma, or religion. They set up a complex peer review system, academic system, censorship systems, mind-guards, evangelists, and social pressure systems in order to enforce their beliefs onto others. Their ultimate goal is to make everyone believe as they do. The purpose of our public schools is to indoctrinate us into Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism. The laws of the United States were redesigned to protect them in these endeavors and to promote their cause. That’s where all the money goes.

Fascinating, is it not?

Well, I think it is because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. The scientific evidence or the observational evidence convinced me that I was wrong. Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Non-Locality, Psyche, and Syntropy convinced me that I was wrong.

You can’t be right when you are wrong.

The verified and proven existence of Action at a Distance and Quantum Mechanics falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism. Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy; and, Syntropy is powerful science to know and understand. Physical matter is based upon entropy. Everything else is Syntropy. Psyche is Syntropy.


My Observations and Conclusions


One of the most interesting scientific discoveries or scientific observations that I have made is that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are prejudices! They are a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support. In the complete absence of physical evidence demonstrating and proving their case, these people have pre-judged that they are right and that everyone else is wrong. Without doing any actual Science, these people have jumped to the conclusion that the quantum, or the non-local, or the supernatural, or the non-physical does not exist. That’s prejudice! That’s pre-judgment. That’s blind faith!

As our textbook says, even social psychologists and Christians have and experience preferences or prejudices. It seems to be a natural innate part of our being. We are constantly doing social comparisons, both consciously and unconsciously. It’s there, and it’s real. The only thing you can do about it is to be aware of it and actively resist it within yourself when deemed appropriate to do so. You can’t force others to stop being prejudiced, so there is no use trying. The best you can do is to show them another example or another way, and then let them make up their own minds what they want to do and what they want to believe.

I’m 57 now. I don’t think about my prejudices all that much like I used to. Some of them are newly developed and I actually want to keep them. Some of our prejudices can actually be good for us.

It’s obvious that I have become prejudiced against Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution because I have successfully used Science, Scientific Observations, and the Scientific Method to falsify them. That was a hard-won prejudice or discrimination, and I hope to never overcome it. All I ever really wanted is to know the truth, and now I do.

I now define Science as observation and experience, NOT Materialism and Naturalism. I’ve upgraded my science to Science 2.0, which allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and pursues a preponderance of the evidence. You can too, if you want to.

Mark My Words


Reference Material

Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science