Finding the Truth

We Find the Truth by Living It and Experiencing It


Some might argue that my greatest scientific observation and scientific discovery is the realization that Lived Experience IS the BEST way for finding and knowing the truth.

I spent a year studying the Philosophy of Science. In the process, I was introduced to Phenomenology. Phenomenology is the scientific study of events or phenomena, including Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), Visions, Theophanies, and other types of Spiritual Experiences. These are phenomena that have been experienced and observed by millions of different people on this planet. Phenomenology is the scientific study of the Lived Experiences of the human race, including both our spiritual experiences and our physical experiences.

Begging the question, Science is currently defined as Materialism, Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, and Atheism before any science is actually done. Thanks to Phenomenology and the Lived Experiences of the human race, I realized one day that Science should be redefined as Observation and Experience. In other words, Science should be brought into the modern Quantum Age of Action at a Distance, Phenomenology, Observation, and Experience rather than being left in the restrictive and limited dark ages of Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism. Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism have been falsified. Science should be taken out of the falsified and placed into the verified or the observed. I realized that Science should be redefined as Phenomenology.

As a result, I upgraded my science to Science 2.0 which allows all of the evidence (all of the phenomena) into evidence and pursues a preponderance of the evidence.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science

Lived Experiences or Psyche Experiences are the best way of finding the truth and knowing the truth in EVERY realm of existence, including this physical realm. The BEST and fastest way to find and know the truth is to live it, experience it, and observe it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has. Science is Observation and Experience, and NOT Materialism and Naturalism which are based exclusively upon philosophical speculation and wishful thinking. In other words, there is NO observational evidence supporting the major premises or hidden assumptions of Materialism and Naturalism which claim that the quantum or the transdimensional does not exist.

Due to the fact that the scientific methods cannot be used to find the truth and prove the truth directly, and due to the fact that the scientific methods are typically restricted to the physical realm or the local realm, and due to the fact that there are a wide variety of logic fallacies built into the scientific methods, the scientific methods are in fact a much weaker source of knowledge and truth than Lived Experiences are. Lived Experiences, or Psyche Experiences, or Direct Observations are in fact an infinitely better way for finding and knowing the Truth than science and the scientific methods can ever be. I wish I would have known that forty years ago. It would have saved me a lot of frustration and grief.

Possibly my greatest scientific discovery of all time is that the Lived Experiences of the human race are in fact a much better way of finding and knowing the truth than traditional science and the scientific methods. For me, that was a major epiphany and scientific breakthrough because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

Lived Experience is extremely powerful. Lived Experience is Science, Observation, Knowledge, and Truth in their purest form. Science is supposed to be Observation and Knowledge and the pursuit of the Truth. In other words, Science is supposed to be Lived Experiences or Observations. The Materialists, Naturalists, Behaviorists, and Atheists did the world a great disservice when they hijacked and stole science and limited science exclusively to physical matter. One of my greatest scientific discoveries was to finally realize how wrong these people really are.

I KNOW how it goes, though, because I allowed My Scientism, My Nihilism, My Materialism, and My Atheism to blind me to Lived Experience as a source of evidence and to blind me as to how powerful and useful Lived Experiences really are as a source of knowledge and truth. But, that’s what we Materialists and Atheists do. We refuse to allow Lived Experiences into evidence. Naturalism and Atheism of any kind is based upon a refusal to look at evidence.

I was a practitioner of Scientism. I truly believed that Science and the scientific methods were the ONLY way for finding and knowing the truth. I WAS WRONG! In fact, the scientific methods can’t be used to prove the truth, which means that Lived Experience is in reality the ONLY way to find and KNOW the truth directly. The truth is KNOWN by living it and experiencing it for yourself, or by choosing to trust someone who has.

I never fully realized until April 2017 that Lived Experience or Direct Observation is a much better way of finding and knowing the truth than the scientific methods and philosophical guesswork will ever be; but, I’m seeing it now and understanding it now.

We KNOW from the Lived Experiences of the human race that the Biblical God Jesus Christ does indeed exist and truly rose from the dead – although it’s nice to have Science pointing us to the same truths, in its roundabout way.

For some Lived Experiences of the Divine see: Bible, Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price – available for free at:

Possibly my greatest scientific discovery came to me when I first realized that Science should be redefined as Phenomenology, Lived Experience, and Observation. Quantum Mechanics is Supernatural Mechanics. Science should be based upon Syntropy, Psyche, and Quantum Mechanics – and NOT Materialism and Naturalism.

Currently, the scientific community at-large define science as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Classical Physics, Entropy, and Atheism. It’s time for us to upgrade science and bring it into the modern age.

It’s time for us to redefine Science as Phenomenology, Observation, Experience, Eye-Witness Verification, Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, Psyche, and the Lived Experiences of the human race. We’ll make much faster progress if we do. I KNOW because I have lived it and experienced it on both sides of the fence; and, the grass really is greener on the Syntropy side or Psyche side of the fence.

Mark My Words



Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science

Truths About Psychiatry

The Truth About Psychiatry


My medical doctors and psychiatrists got me addicted to half a dozen different brain-altering drugs. They had me cycling through four different sleeping pills. They also had me on pain killers. Anytime that I would complain about the side effects, they would give me another drug. On any given day, I would take a dozen different drugs. Half of the drugs had suicidal ideation as one of the side effects. The ONLY time I was ever calm was while I was thinking of different ways to kill myself. That’s your brain on drugs. I overdosed on the sleeping pills trying to end it all.

I don’t believe in Psychiatry anymore. Psychiatry is the pinnacle of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Physical Sciences. I discovered from observation and first-hand experience that the drugs or medications cannot do Psyche Therapy. In fact, substance-induced psychosis IS a mental illness. Brain altering drugs produce mental illnesses. The Psychiatrists treat your mental illness by giving you half a dozen NEW mental illnesses. The Psychiatrists do harm to your brain chemistry and cause your brain imbalances as a result. It can kill you.

One of my greatest and most useful scientific discoveries is the realization that Psychiatry cannot do Psyche Therapy and that Psychiatry actually causes mental illnesses. When I (my psyche) finally decided to go cold turkey on the drugs, it took six months of withdrawal symptoms, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, insomnia, and paranoia before my brain normalized and I started thinking rationally once again. Six months is a long time. That was one hell of a withdrawal. One of my most significant scientific discoveries was my discovery that Psychiatry is hell. The Psychiatrists and Pharmacologists can put you into hell faster and more efficiently than any other group on the planet.

The Psychiatrists and Pharmacologists should be forced to take their own drugs for a couple of months each so that they know first-hand the kind of hell that they are putting people through. The drugs can’t do Psyche Therapy, so there’s really no reason to be taking them.

I got off everything but the Zoloft. They wouldn’t let me stop taking the Zoloft. However, my last pair of Psychiatrists were actually conservative.

The one told me that he could give me more drugs, but that his experience and observation had taught him that Therapy did people a lot more good in the long run than the drugs did. So, he encouraged me to limit myself to the Zoloft and to focus on the Psychotherapy instead. He was right. The Therapy does a lot more good for the Psyche or the Soul than the drugs do.

The other Neuro-Psychiatrist did brain scans and told me that my brain is normal for someone my age. He told me that my medical history proves that I’m overly sensitive to medications. He then said to me not to let any psychiatrist in the future put me on the full dose of any medication. He said, “Pick ONE, and get rid of all the rest.” He said that my medical history indicates that I need the Zoloft, but he told me to immediately cut the dose in half, and then a year from now to cut it in half again. He told me to keep cutting the dose in half until I get down to a maintenance dose where I’m getting ALL of the benefits of the drug without any of the side effects.

I did as he instructed, cut the dose in half, and almost immediately I went from being catatonic during the day to being able to function, drive, walk, and think during the day. I took the Zoloft at night. It calmed me, stopped the racing thoughts, helped me to breathe better, and helped me to sleep. When I woke up, I was alert and able to think and function at half the dose. I cut the dose in half a year later and found my maintenance dose – one-fourth the recommended adult dose. I have also experimented with cutting the dose in half again, with mixed results.

If they won’t let you get off the drugs, then pick ONE, and then taper that ONE down to a maintenance dose where you are getting all the benefits with none of the side effects. It works. At the much lower maintenance dose, there’s actually some evidence that the Zoloft might be doing me more good than harm.

Be warned! The psychiatrists and pharmacologists typically prescribe the maximum dose that they can get away with before that dose turns toxic and starts to kill you. Get as far away from the point of toxicity that you possibly can, and the drugs just might do you some good in the end. But, when they have you on the full dose and have you on twelve different drugs at the same time, that’s a prescription for Hell if ever there was one. I KNOW, because I have been there and done that, and it was indeed Hell.

You don’t have to die in order to go to Hell. You can do so right here, right now, and the Pharmacologists, Medical Doctors, and Psychiatrists can help you do so if you let them.

Mark My Words


Simple Truths About Psychiatry


By Dr. Peter R. Breggin MD

This is one of my all-time most favorite series about Psychiatry. Dr. Peter Breggin documents medically what was done to me personally by my medical doctors and psychiatrists. They just about killed me. Psychiatry and drugs can be extremely dangerous. They can kill you. It’s actually refreshing to finally find a Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist who is familiar with that fact and is actually willing to talk about it online. Highly recommended. Dr. Peter Breggin ended up being one of my greatest scientific discoveries.


I archived this series on one of my websites in the hope that it won’t ever disappear on me while I’m alive.


01 – Biochemical Imbalance


02 – How Psychiatric Drugs Work


03 – Medication Spellbinding


04 – Helping Deeply Disturbed Persons


05 – Helping the Suicidally Depressed


06 – Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous than You Ever Imagined


07 – Stimulant Drugs Crush Children


08 – ADHD Kids


09 – Stop Drugging Children


10 – Electroshock is Brain Trauma


I feel that this series might be the best thing I can “give” to you, especially if the Psychiatrists and Medical Doctors have you on a bunch of different brain-altering drugs. If you are not careful, the junk can kill you.

Mark My Words




Tripping the Light Fantastic: How Prescription Drugs Almost Killed Me

Proof of God

Proof of God’s Existence


Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

This syllogism is both a Philosophical Proof of God’s Existence and a Scientific Proof of God’s Existence. It works. It’s true. Every aspect of it is true, because both the premises and the conclusion have been experienced and observed in real life by real people. This Scientific Proof of God’s Existence is both philosophically valid and observationally sound. It, and similar ones like it, convinced me that God does indeed exist.

Variations on this syllogism were my first Scientific Proof of God’s Existence; and, I first built one based upon the non-existence of abiogenesis, or the non-existence of macro-evolution. After science itself proved to me that God must of necessity exist, then I simply KNEW that God exists, even though I still have yet to get to know God.

In 2016, when I first realized that NO type of evolution – chemical evolution, micro-evolution, macro-evolution, spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, random mutations, or natural selection – is capable of designing, creating, and implementing genomes from atoms or from scratch, I just KNEW that God exists because I KNEW why He must of necessity exist. God must exist in order to have done ALL of the science, organization, proteins, and genomes which the different types of evolution could NEVER have done.

In a very real sense, the Theory of Evolution proved to me that God exists. In other words, the inability of the different types of evolution to design, create, manufacture, and deploy proteins and the matching genes to go along with those proteins BECAME convincing scientific proof of God’s necessity, which effectively became Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

Based upon this same exact theme, I developed many other Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence and eventually used the Scientific Method itself to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

I kept a log of my ongoing discoveries in the following books:

Summary Of: The Theory of Evolution Proves that God Exists

The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist and Why I No Longer Believe in the Theory of Evolution

The Scientific Method Proves That the Theory of Evolution Is False

Using the Scientific Method to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth

This was an era of transition for me. I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. To develop a Scientific Proof of God’s Existence that I actually KNEW to be true, as well as using the Scientific Methods to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution represented a MAJOR paradigm shift in my way of thinking and doing science.

Once I finally KNEW the Truth, there was no going back to the deceptions and the lies; and, I was able to progress forward from there and make additional adjustments and improvements to my science, my worldview, and my philosophical underpinnings.

Although it is technically true – due to the affirming the consequent logic fallacy – that it’s impossible to use the Scientific Methods to prove anything true, there is a legitimate work-around that actually produces the same result. This work-around is a philosophically valid and an observationally sound way to find the truth through a process of elimination.

The way this is done in practice is that we use the Scientific Methods and negating the consequent to falsify and eliminate everything that is false such as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and their derivatives so that ONLY the Truth remains.

Think about it logically.

If you successfully eliminate everything that is false – everything that has NEVER been experienced nor observed by anyone, not even God – then ONLY the Truth will remain, because ONLY the observed and the verified and the proven will remain. The Truth is whatever has been experienced, lived, and observed by Someone Psyche sometime somewhere. Science is observation, or it should be.

Sherlock Holmes taught me how this process of elimination works in principle or practice.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible [and the false], whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? — Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes and the Philosophy of Science taught me how to use the Scientific Method to falsify the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism; and, observations from real life people like you and me falsified Nihilism for me.

If you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then ONLY the Truth will remain; and, that’s precisely how we use the Scientific Methods to “prove” the truth, by using the Scientific Methods to eliminate everything that is false or everything that has NEVER been experienced nor observed. It works!

Mark My Words



Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.